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PHP Pipeline Pattern


A long time ago, in the League\Pipeline repository, there was an issue that asked about changing the interfaces to separate the concerns, and also allow the pipelines to be immutable. I thought this was a great idea at the time, and so I wrote SyberIsle\Pipeline. Three years later I still think the idea has merit, … Continued

Allow NFS through OS X High Sierra firewall for Host-Only networks


I recently upgraded to High Sierra, and as a security conscious individual, I then enabled the system firewall by visiting System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Firewall, and clicking Turn on the Firewall. This is a great way for users to begin protecting their computer when connected to random networks. However, this falls short … Continued

The allure of static proxies


Several weeks ago I started playing with Laravel. Primarily because several colleagues are using it, and have suggested that I take a look at it. During my time reviewing how to build a view template I came across references to Html, Form, View and other static calls. Initially I was not impressed due to the … Continued

“Login” vs “Log In” (Remembering our grammar)


Struggling with the usage of “login” or “Log In”? Whether or not you should use “Log In” or “Sign In”? I don’t have all the answers but I just recently sat down and did some research to help myself with what I should be using. Hopefully this helps others out as well.

Updating your shell paths on OS X


Because I forget that ~/bin isn’t on my path, I am placing this here because I also search the internet all the time. Hopefully I’ll remember I put this here: echo “export PATH=$PATH:~/bin” >> ~/.profile

SPL FileObject & LimitIterator


Over that last couple of weeks I’ve come to use the SPL far more than I have in the past. The SplFileObject for reading CSV files is far more convenient than the fgetcsv() function, and associated code needed for a CSV file. Using the LimitIterator allowed me to easily bypass the first row of the … Continued

ZfRest — RESTful-ness for Zend Framework 1


For both a client and my work we are working on creating a RESTful API. The problem is that all of the current solutions for Zend Framework are either one off (Resauce, ZfApiVersioning) or otherwise do not play well with a pre-built Zend Framework 1 application. The solution I was looking needed the following handle … Continued

MySQL Transactions and Altering Schema


While reviewing the log files for a project I am working on I came across a MySQL error that dealt with mismatched character sets. Specifically the table was set to latin1 and the connection was set to UTF8. This error was rare but happened at the right time for me to catch it, as I … Continued