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Work around “unsafe usage of new static()”


During a recent update of some of my library dependencies I found that one of my dependencies had marked their constructors as final. When I asked if it was possible to de-finalize them, they told me to remove it and run static analysis. It turns out that the answer lies in phpstan’s rule for Unsafe … Continued

PHP Pipeline Pattern


A long time ago, in the League\Pipeline repository, there was an issue that asked about changing the interfaces to separate the concerns, and also allow the pipelines to be immutable. I thought this was a great idea at the time, and so I wrote SyberIsle\Pipeline. Three years later I still think the idea has merit, … Continued

Allow NFS through OS X High Sierra firewall for Host-Only networks


I recently upgraded to High Sierra, and as a security conscious individual, I then enabled the system firewall by visiting System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Firewall, and clicking Turn on the Firewall. This is a great way for users to begin protecting their computer when connected to random networks. However, this falls short … Continued

The allure of static proxies


Several weeks ago I started playing with Laravel. Primarily because several colleagues are using it, and have suggested that I take a look at it. During my time reviewing how to build a view template I came across references to Html, Form, View and other static calls. Initially I was not impressed due to the … Continued

“Login” vs “Log In” (Remembering our grammar)


Struggling with the usage of “login” or “Log In”? Whether or not you should use “Log In” or “Sign In”? I don’t have all the answers but I just recently sat down and did some research to help myself with what I should be using. Hopefully this helps others out as well.

Updating your shell paths on OS X


Because I forget that ~/bin isn’t on my path, I am placing this here because I also search the internet all the time. Hopefully I’ll remember I put this here: echo “export PATH=$PATH:~/bin” >> ~/.profile

SPL FileObject & LimitIterator


Over that last couple of weeks I’ve come to use the SPL far more than I have in the past. The SplFileObject for reading CSV files is far more convenient than the fgetcsv() function, and associated code needed for a CSV file. Using the LimitIterator allowed me to easily bypass the first row of the … Continued

ZfRest — RESTful-ness for Zend Framework 1


For both a client and my work we are working on creating a RESTful API. The problem is that all of the current solutions for Zend Framework are either one off (Resauce, ZfApiVersioning) or otherwise do not play well with a pre-built Zend Framework 1 application. The solution I was looking needed the following handle … Continued