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Generating FIPS compliant PKCS12 files with OpenSSL


Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been plagued with the best way to generate pfx files for Windows systems to use FIPS compliant certs. There was particularly trying piece of software that was validating the certificate, and it kept coming back as failed, with little output as to why. After talking with the developers, … Continued

Ansible “Authentication or permission failure.”


I recently upgraded some servers, and on reboot I ran into the peculiar condition where I received the following warning: fatal: [user] => Authentication or permission failure. In some cases, you may have been able to authenticate and did not have permissions on the remote directory. Consider changing the remote temp path in ansible.cfg to … Continued

Cleaning up Ansible task formatting


I’ve been using Ansible for the last several years, and I’ve used YAML just as long. Yet a lot of playbooks and tasks for Ansible are often horribly formatted. This causes anger within me, so I want to let others know, that there is a better way. “Use the YAML, Ansible Writers” YAML may not … Continued

pure-authd external script failing


I have a PHP script handling authentication for pure-authd, and the problem is that it fails. After a reboot it is still failing. If I log in, restart it manually and monitor the log files, it works. As soon as I log out it fails! I’ve come to the conclusion that pure-authd doesn’t properly daemonize, … Continued IP lists with CIDR notation


Several weeks ago one of the servers I manage ended up with a lot of comment spam. After several hours of searching through the logs and correlating the IP’s, I found out that a majority of the hosts were listed in the’s bots.txt file. I didn’t want to import ALL the IP’s on the … Continued

Creating a DHCP Server with vboxapi


While working on a project for work recently I stumbled across the need to create a network and associated DHCP server. The API documentation however only gave me the following reference to start the DHCP server. void start (in wstring networkName, in wstring trunkName, in wstring trunkType) trunkName and trunkType are not really documented in … Continued

FreeBSD and sudo defaults


Several weeks ago I started transitioning some Ubuntu VM’s to FreeBSD VM’s . On previous VM’s I was able to use the following command line without any problems sudo phing code-update After switching to FreeBSD I found that sudo, or its “sudo -E” variant, was having problems when running in sub shells. Phing svn tasks … Continued